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<span style="background:#80b3ff">Billie</span> turns 18.
<span style="background:#80b3ff">Billie</span> turns 18.
'''July 6, 2015'''
<span style="background:#ca8bfb">Kai</span> comes out as non-binary.

'''July 20, 2015'''
'''July 20, 2015'''

Revision as of 09:39, 24 September 2019

Timeline dedicated to Greg's relationships throughout his adult life.

Visual timeline (as of Aug 2019) by date and age.

Red Orange Green Blue Teal Purple

Work in progress.


Date Unknown, 2001

Skye notices Greg for the first time in their high school computer class. Greg did not notice her. Skye is a year younger than Greg.

April, 2001

Skye turns 15.

November 11, 2001

Greg turns 16.


[Beginning of Skye Era]

Date Unknown, 2003

Greg and Skye begin a relationship.

April, 2003

Skye turns 17.

November 11, 2003

Greg turns 18.

Date Unknown, 2003 to 2004

Skye's younger sister, Netunesa gets intoxicated at a party at age 15. According to her, Greg sat next to her and tried to kiss her. (Source)


January 3, 2005

Greg joins the US Air Force.

March 28, 2005

Greg makes a blog post addressing someone called "Sabi," who is believed to be Skye's mother. The response came from Sabi allegedly telling Skye to "be careful" around Greg because of his anger. Greg claims that when he argues with Skye, he is trying to "teach her something." (Source)

April, 2005

Skye turns 19.

May 28, 2005

After graduating from boot camp, Greg proposes to Skye so she can accompany him as he is deployed. When he asks her to sign a prenuptial agreement, he alleges that she cried. When they divorce years later, he uses this incident to assert this as proof that she was money hungry.

August 5, 2005

Greg and Skye marry through the Texas court system. According to Skye, during the five-year marriage, he demands she keep her hair short, and claims that if she doesn’t wear shorts under her skirts she could get raped. (Source)

November 11, 2005

Greg turns 20.


January 29, 2006

Greg creates his Onision YouTube channel.

April, 2006

Skye turns 20.

November 11, 2006

Greg turns 21.


January 24, 2007

Greg writes a blog post explaining that he feels his life suffers when he has friends and that he only sees he and Skye having work friends in the future. (Source)

January 27, 2007

Greg writes a blog post discussing two of Skye's friends who had attempted to intervene in their relationship. He implies that the intervening couple are the harmful ones in the situation. (Source)

April, 2006

Skye turns 21.

November 11, 2007

Greg turns 22.


February 9, 2008

Skye creates her Tantaga YouTube channel.

April, 2008

Skye turns 22.

November 11, 2008

Greg turns 23.

Date Unknown, 2008

Greg is discharged from the Air Force. Skye begins working out of the house to support them while Greg stays at home to work on YouTube videos in hopes the Onision channel would become successful.


February, 2010

Greg's video "I'm a Banana" is submitted to tosh.0 as Viewer Video of the Week. The video goes viral, garnering millions of views and driving traffic to Greg's Onision YouTube channel. After seeing "I'm a Banana" on television, Shiloh begins to look into Greg's channels and watch his videos. ($ource)

Date Unknown, 2010

Greg's Onision channel becomes one of the top 100 most subscribed channels on YouTube.

April, 2010

Shiloh turns 17.

Skye turns 24.

April 13, 2010

Greg and Youtuber Hannah Minx appear on each other's Youtube channels for the first time in two sketch videos.

June, 2010

Greg threatens to divorce Skye for the first time.

November 11, 2010

Greg turns 25.

December 2, 2010

Shiloh contacts Greg through email for the first time asking for advice getting over her abusive ex-boyfriend. Greg becomes interested in Shiloh after learning about her successful music career. Greg and Shiloh begin a friendship turned emotional affair over Skype.

Shiloh creates DomoConzy YouTube channel. The Onision channel becomes Domoconzy's first subscriber and Greg promotes her channel on his Facebook page.

December 17, 2010

Greg and Skye separate.

December 21, 2010

Greg shows Shiloh the divorce papers he drafted himself for Skye to sign. He then tells Shiloh that he loves her for the first time. (Source)

December 22, 2010

Greg creates a hand written divorce contract and Skye signs it. The contract is later thrown out in court because it was considered to be an illegitimate legal document signed under duress. (Source)

December 24, 2010

Greg announces his separation from Skye to his fans.

December 25, 2010

Skye makes her last appearance on the Onision channel.

December 27, 2010

Greg totals his car by hitting a deer during a snowstorm while he was on his way to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to meet Shiloh in person for the first time. He opts to purchase a plane ticket to fly the rest of the way.

December 28, 2010

Shiloh and Greg meet in-person for the first time and begin privately dating. Shiloh says that they had sex almost immediately upon Greg's arrival. According to Shiloh, her mother notified the local police, resulting in Greg's computer being searched under suspicion of possession of child pornography; this was largely due to Shiloh's age at the time and the presence of camera equipment in the hotel room. After this brief meeting, the pair are separated. (Source)

[End of Skye Era]


[Beginning of Shiloh Era]

February 2, 2011

Greg and Shiloh dye their hair orange together.

Date Unknown, 2011

A week after Shiloh moves in with Greg, he begins locking her out of the editing room to masturbate to graphic hentai. (Source)

April 12, 2011

Greg introduces Shiloh to his fans through his "Onision's Girlfriend" video; by this point they have already moved in together.

Shiloh creates her Draculoh YouTube account.

April 14, 2011

Shiloh creates her DraculohRants and DraculohVault channels.

April 23, 2011

Greg reveals the "Remember Love" wrist tattoo he got for Shiloh after a short break-up, despite previously stating tattoos were mutilation. Sometime during the relationship, Shiloh lets it slip that she had "Gregory" tattooed on the back of her neck. Years later, she would explain that it was at Greg's suggestion prior to getting his own tattoo. (Source)

April, 2011

Shiloh turns 18. She spends her birthday at the Sandman hotel next to the airport so that Greg can fly her out of the country without needing her mother's consent. (Source)

Skye turns 25.

Adrienne turns 26.

June 23, 2011

Greg uploads "Shiloh Forgot Me", a video of Shiloh after having suffered from a seizure resulting in memory loss.

Greg later deletes it due to public backlash.

June 25, 2011

Shiloh defends Greg's decision not to take her to a hospital during the "Shiloh Forgot Me" episode.

June 30, 2011

Shiloh uploads a video titled "BALD!!!" to showcase her newly shaven head. Shiloh later revealed that Greg took her into the bathroom in the middle of having sex and forcibly shaved her head. (Source) She would corroborate this story again, years later, on her Twitter. (Source)

July, 2011

Shiloh and Greg have a major break-up. Shiloh moves back to Canada and Greg flees his home to live in LA with Cyr.

July 14 to 16, 2011

Greg uploads a video titled "Shiloh Threatened Me" explaining that he was afraid for his safety. He says that he called the police and that it resulted in Shiloh being taken away to a mental health facility.

Sometime after uploading "Shiloh Threatened Me," Greg uploads a video titled "The Truth" in an attempt to prove how unstable Shiloh is. When he sees a majority of viewers are sympathizing with her, he removes the video.

July 18, 2011

Greg sends Skye an email saying that he felt confused and didn't expect her to take him back. She doesn't respond. (Source)

July 23, 2011

Greg sends Skye another email claiming that the "[girlfriend] in [his] new video is actually a guy," presumably referring to Shiloh. He follows this up by stating that he still wants to be with her. She doesn't respond. (Source)

July 25, 2011

Skye calls Greg and they are on good terms. Years later, she would say that he cried to her over the phone about how lonely he was. (Source)

July 26, 2011

Greg sends an email to Skye's younger sister, Netunesa, discussing what happened with Shiloh. At this point, Netunesa is 21 or 22. (Source)

August, 2011

Greg begins a secret online unofficial relationship with then popular Youtuber Hannah Minx.

August 6, 2011

Shane Dawson uploads a video titled "GAY KISS with SHANE DAWSON!!" Kai eventually sees this video and becomes smitten with Greg.

August 24, 2011

Greg announces a break up with someone (Hannah Minx) he was unofficially dating in the video "She Wanted My Body, Not My Heart."

September 1, 2011

Greg's first payment of alimony to Skye is due.

September 3, 2011

Greg begins dating Adrienne.

Greg announces their relationship to his audience in the video "I Found Her."

September 4, 2011

Greg uploads a video titled "I Got Dumped" announcing that he and broke Adrienne up.

September 5, 2011

Greg tweets that Skye is supporting him during he and Adrienne's break up. At some point after this, he and Adrienne get back together again.

September 10, 2011

Greg flies to Texas to meet Adrienne in person for the first time.

September 13, 2011

Greg uploads "She Fixed Me," a video discussing how Adrienne has helped fix his emotional troubles.

September 14, 2011

Greg announces he and Adrienne broke up again in the video "Single Again." They began dating again soon after.

Kai sends the first of many fan tweets to Greg. At this point he goes by Taylor and identifies as a woman.

September 19, 2011

Greg and Adrienne Break up for the final time. Greg goes on to insinuate later that night across his Twitter and Facebook that Adrienne had given him STDs.

September 20, 2011

Adrienne makes a frustrated Google+ post defending herself.

September 21, 2011

Greg tries to win Adrienne back by leaving a string of voicemails.

September 26, 2011

Shiloh and Greg announce they are back together and engaged.

September 27, 2011

Shiloh and Greg make corresponding videos about unclean vaginas. Shiloh's was complaining about women that don't clean down there and Greg's was an analogy of his exes as houses. He says Adrienne's house was "dirty".

October, 2011

A long email (aka The Letter) Adrienne wrote to a friend detailing her relationship with Greg is leaked. She asks people to stop spreading it.

October 11, 2011

Greg uploaded "Do I Have STDs" where he goes to Planned Parenthood with Shiloh to get STD tested after his "dirty" rebound, Adrienne.

October 12, 2011

Greg uploads a video reacting to his STD test results, which reveal he does not have any STDs.

October 13, 2011

Greg's Onision channel drops off the Top 100 Most Subscribed List. It is speculated his crazy public dating life along with Greg causing drama among fellow YouTubers were the two biggest contributions to the channel's drastic drop in rank.

October 16, 2011

Kai turns 17.

Adrienne gives permission to spread her email (The Letter) in reaction to Greg and Shiloh's STD videos.

October 18, 2011

Greg announces on his Facebook he regrets divorcing Skye and it was the biggest mistake of his life.

October 27, 2011

Greg and Shiloh announce they are expecting.

October 28, 2011

Skye uploads her first video to her FellFromTheSkye channel.

Skye announces her and Greg's divorce is finalized.

October 29, 2011

Kai tweets about his love for Greg for the first time, despite never talking to him yet.

November 11, 2011

Greg turns 26.

November 17, 2011

Greg promotes Skye's new channel on his Speaks channel.

December 6, 2011

Greg uploads "Shiloh and Greg: Non-Fiction" to prove their drama is real.

December 8, 2011

Greg and Shiloh announce they found out they miscarried after an ultrasound revealed the baby had passed 6 weeks prior.

December 15, 2011

Shiloh receives test results over the phone and was told she was at risk of going septic if the deceased fetus did not pass. She Googles "going septic." (Source) She mistakenly thought she was diagnosed with sepsis.

Greg announces Shiloh has sepsis in the video "Shiloh Has Sepsis" and says she will be on a plane soon to go to a hospital in Canada. The video receives immediate backlash from viewers as many concluded Shiloh was not suffering from sepsis.

Greg sends Netunesa an email briefly talking about Shiloh's condition while asking if she would like to collaborate on a video. (Source)

December 17, 2011

Greg uploads "Goodbye Shiloh" containing a montage of the couple's last days together. After this, it becomes apparent that Shiloh had left the country to return to Canada.

Greg removes the video "Shiloh Has Sepsis" and re-uploads it to his Archive channel with an added apology for telling everyone Shiloh had sepsis. He blames Shiloh for lying to him.

December 19-20, 2011

Greg sends Netunesa a set of emails, one asking if she is okay and another asking again if she would like to collaborate on a YouTube video. (Source)

December 28, 2011

Shiloh announces her and Greg's 1 year anniversary on Facebook.

December, 2011

In Canada, Shiloh is taken to the emergency room for severe abdominal pain with no vaginal bleeding. She is given heavy duty painkillers and given an emergency dilation and curettage to remove the deceased fetus. After coming to, she asks for Greg. During this time, Shiloh's mother hides her daughter's passport. (Source)


January, 2012

Greg wires Shiloh $1,100 to get a new passport. She would later spend it all and pawn her engagement ring. (Source)

January 8, 2012

Greg uploads "A Horrible Rebound", a video meant to tell his side of his relationship to Adrienne. The video causes a lot of backlash on Greg's part.

January 19, 2012

Adrienne publicly releases Greg's voicemails in response to his video.

Greg begins complaining about his alimony agreement with Skye on social media and with the video "Her Easy Life". He claims Skye stole from him by lying to the court. This inspires some of his fans to viciously attack and harass Skye online.

Skye responds on Facebook, saying she refuses to play into Greg's mind games and will not participate in the drama. (Source)

January 20, 2012

Greg emails Netunesa, once again asking if she would like to collaborate with him. (Source)

January 23, 2012

Skye responds to to continued harassment from Greg's fans with another Facebook post. She defends herself from his accusations by saying everything was handled legally through the court system and everything he is saying now was presented in court and they still came to that settlement. She also reveals after her separation from Greg, she was in a year heavy counseling due to the mental abuse she suffered, which caused her to have situational depression and PTSD. (Source)

February 1, 2012

Greg and Shiloh officially break-up for the last time.

February 2, 2012

After witnessing his break up with Shiloh, Adrienne emails Greg in an attempt to give support and end the drama between them.

February 4, 2012

Greg uploads "It's Over", his break-up song for Shiloh.

February 6, 2012

Greg emails Netunesa informing her that he's pushed a video of her to the archive. (Source)

February 8, 2012

Greg announces he found out Shiloh cheated on him.

[End of Shiloh Era]

[Beginning of Kai Solo Era]

February 12, 2012

Greg tweets "Soulmate... where are you?" and Kai replies "here." Greg DMs Kai, asking why he thinks they are soulmates. (Source)

February 14, 2012

Greg sends an email to Skye accusing her of only being interested in his possessions. She does not respond. (Source)

February 16, 2012

Shiloh attempts to apologize to Greg for cheating. He does not accept her apology and calls her "cheating scum".

February 17, 2012

Greg sends Skye an email begging her to respond and to help him with his finances. (Source)

Greg announces he is trying to take Shiloh to court on Judge Judy to get money back that he lent her. Later that day, he announces they will not be going on Judge Judy because Shiloh is Canadian.

February 18, 2012

Greg sends Skye two more emails. One asking her why she lied on legal documents and the other claiming that he is broke. (Source) (Source)

February 27, 2012

Greg and Kai begin privately dating. Greg had previously consulted a lawyer to see if it was legal to date Kai while he was underage.

February 29, 2012

Greg PayPals Skye his court-mandated alimony payment. The receipt comes with the statement "You are greed [sic] & have no honor." (Source)

March, 2012

Greg proposes to Kai over Skype.

Greg begins to wear a ring in his videos and says that he's been keeping his private life private.

March 8, 2012

Greg goes to New Mexico to meet Kai in person for the first time. Sometime during his stay in New Mexico, he rents a house.

March 26, 2012

Adrienne writes an email to Greg after seeing the break up videos with Shiloh, taking responsibility for her hurtful behavior during her and Greg's relationship and wishes him the best.

Greg announces to his fans Adrienne apologized for lying about him and requested his friendship. He sources her email.

Adrienne quickly responds on her social media, saying he twisted her words and she regrets sending the email. She pleads with him to stop talking about her online.

April, 2012

Shiloh turns 19.

Skye turns 26.

Adrienne turns 27.

April 12, 2012

Skye uploads her last video to FellFromTheSkye and abandons her FellFromTheSkye accounts.

April 24, 2012

Greg emails Netunesa, asking her about how she's been. (Source)

April 25, 2012

Greg announces his alimony payments to Skye are making his suicidal. Greg later admits he was not suicidal and was trying to manipulate Skye into terminating their alimony agreement.

Greg sends Skye a flurry of emails attempting to make her dissolve the alimony agreement. (Source)

April 26, 2012

After receiving no response from Skye, Greg once again sends her a flurry of emails telling her he's lost respect for her for not following the initial divorce contract and threatens to discontinue alimony payments. (Source)

April 28, 2012

Greg compares his alimony to Skye to slavery in his video "ALIMONY vs SLAVERY".

Greg sends Skye an email accusing her of being a slave owner, echoing the sentiments expressed in his "ALIMONY vs SLAVERY" video. ( Source)

June, 2012

Kai and Greg's relationship turns long-distance.

June 6, 2012

Greg emails Netunesa asking if she wants to hang out. (Source)

August 2012

Greg returns to New Mexico and rents a place to secretly live with Kai. Kai's family believes he is living in his college dorm.

September 27, 2012

Greg sends Netunesa an email offering to pay her "enough to live on" if she signs her channel over to him. (Source)

October 16, 2012

Kai turns 18.

October 17, 2012

Greg emails Netunesa yet again, asking if she would like to come work with him making YouTube videos. Greg claims that their partnership "is going to pay more than any job [she's] ever had before." (Source)

October 22, 2012

Greg announces his fiance Kai to his fans with an Instagram picture of them kissing.

October 24, 2012

Greg and Kai get matching "27" hip tattoos.

November 1, 2012

Greg sends two more emails to Netunesa begging her to work with him. (Source)

November 11, 2012

Greg turns 27.

Greg emails Netunesa again asking if she would like to collaborate on a video in New Mexico. (Source)

November 14, 2012

Greg and Kai are secretly married through the New Mexico court system behind Kai's family's back. They soon move back to Greg's home in Washington.

November 21, 2012

Greg emails Skye asking her to call the IRS to help sort out a 2010 tax filing issue. (Source)

November 26, 2012

Greg emails Skye asking if he can pay her alimony off in bulk. (Source)

November 29, 2012

Greg emails Netunesa if she would like to relaunch her channel. (Source)

December 19, 2012

Greg emails Netunesa asking if she has seen his videos recently and if she would like to hang out some time. (Source)


January 9, 2013

Greg emails Netunesa asking if she would like to go on a prank tour with him. She doesn't respond. (Source)

March 27, 2013

Greg and Kai get matching "14" ankle tattoos.

March 28, 2013

Greg sends emails to several of Netunesa's known email addresses asking if she is okay in an attempt to elicit a response from her. (Source)

April, 2013

The Snail Mail Stalker sends a letter to Kai's parents informing them of the depth of Greg and Kai's relationship.

June 26, 2013

Kai announces he is pregnant on Tumblr by sharing a picture of his baby bump and states that the baby is due in December.

Kai announces he will no longer share baby bump pictures.

August 12, 2013

Greg emails Skye complaining that she didn't help him by calling the IRS, resulting in the loss of $6,600. He asks again if he can pay her alimony in bulk. (Source)

September 4, 2013

Greg uploads a video complaining about a doctor that wanted to do an expensive test on he and Kai's soon-to-be child for down syndrome.

September 25, 2013

Kai announces she will no longer post baby bump pictures for the second time.

October 5, 2013

Greg announces he and Kai will no longer share their child online due to death threats.

October 16, 2013

Kai turns 19.

October 26, 2013

Greg emails Netunesa offering to hang out and play video games. (Source)

November 11, 2013

Greg turns 28.


January 31, 2014

Greg uploads his first video in his Hannah Minx is Missing series after Hannah Minx leaves her YouTube career behind without an announcement. This video receives over a million views and sparks conspiracy theories about Hannah's departure from YouTube, such as she was murdered or kidnapped.

March 28, 2014

Greg uploads a music video for his new son.

May 11, 2014

Greg quietly announces on his Facebook he found out that Hannah Minx simply moved on from YouTube.

September, 2014

Greg posts a tirade of Facebook statuses berating and humiliating Kai’s younger sister when she allegedly expressed an opinion about sex and the size of one’s genitals. (Source) Kai did not publicly defend her and claims that it was a “private matter” that he handled over private messages.

October 16, 2014

Kai turns 20.

November 11, 2014

Greg turns 29.


April, 2015

Billie turns 18.

July 6, 2015

Kai comes out as non-binary.

July 20, 2015

Greg emails Skye once more asking if he can pay off her remaining alimony in bulk. (Source)

July 25, 2015

Greg emails Skye again asking to pay off her remaining alimony in bulk. (Source)

October 16, 2015

Kai turns 21.

November 5, 2015

Greg emails Skye again asking if he can arrange to pay off her alimony in bulk. (Source)

November 11, 2015

Greg turns 30.

[End of Kai Solo Era]

[Beginning of Trinity Era]

December 6, 2015

Billie visits Kai and Greg for the first time, soon Billie and Kai begin dating.

December 30, 2015

Greg goes on a tirade insulting Kai's mother on Twitter, despite being asked repeatedly to stop.


January 25, 2016

Kai announces he is separated from Greg and that Greg cheated on him with Billie.

January 26, 2016

Greg and Kai announce they are back together.

April, 2016

Billie turns 19.

June 29, 2016

Greg uploads a picture of Greg and Kai to Instagram where Billie's blue hair can be seen in the background.

June 30, 2016

Greg explains he has threesomes with two "amazing individuals" in a UhOhBro video.

July 1, 2016

Billie uploads a photo of her and Greg and Lainey, officially letting viewers know that are dating again.

October 16, 2016

Kai turns 22.

November 11, 2016

Greg turns 31.


February 14, 2017

Greg reveals the secret YouTuber he dated in 2011 was Hannah Minx.

October 16, 2017

Kai turns 23.

November 11, 2017

Greg turns 32.


October 16, 2018

Kai turns 24.

November 11, 2018

Greg turns 33.