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Reptar, star of the Onision series "Turtle Thoughts", despite being a tortoise. ($ource)

Reptar is Greg's deceased pet Russian tortoise. His death caused controversy, as he was "very likely accidentally" killed by Greg. (Source)




Greg featured Reptar in many Onision videos. Sir Turtlesaur

Reptar had also made a cameo in Dog Thoughts 4

Possible Mistreatment

Greg filming Reptar in unsafe conditions

Some people expressed concern for Reptar after watching his Turtle Thoughts videos. They believed Greg was mistreating Reptar. One of the major examples they give is how Greg holds Reptar in the air when he runs around with him. They say turtles panic when their feet dangle, so it would be better for Reptar if Greg held Reptar with his feet in his palm, rather than pretending he can fly.

Another concerning moment for Reptar was on April 3, 2013, when he became stuck between a rock and the side of his tank. Rather than helping Reptar right away, Greg posted a photo of him to Instagram: "Reptar got stuck and passed out on a rock... LOL." (Source)


Greg mourning Reptar on Instagram.

Reptar passed away on August 14, 2013. Greg announced his death with an Instragram photo. The photo showed an upside-down translucent plastic bin in Greg's yard. The text explained Reptar passed away while he was under the bin. Greg wanted Reptar to enjoy some sun without the dogs bothering him, so he left him under the bin for a few hours. When he went to check on him, he was already dead. Greg explains that Reptar was a desert turtle, so the heat could have not killed him. He also mentioned the tub had enough air. (Source)

Later that day, Greg posted a picture of himself mourning Reptar's death next to his tank. In the description, he guessed Reptar might have died from panic due to loud noises in the neighborhood. He announced he buried Reptar in a safe place where the dogs won't be able to get to him. (Source)

Greg has since deleted both of these posts from Instagram and Tumblr.


Many people became outraged at Reptar's death as it was very apparent he was killed from being under the bin for hours. Many began pointing this out to him. He replied by stating he would not be sharing anything about his personal life anymore. He says he is tired of being judged by hypocrites. (Source) The next day, Greg began talking about Reptar's death again to defend himself from everyone in the Onision tumblr tag talking about Reptar. He said most people judging him for possibly killing Reptar are meat eaters, so they are all hypocrisies. (Source) After posting several more times about Reptar, Greg announced, once again, he will no longer be sharing his personal life or family due to people blaming him for the death of Reptar. (Source)

(Missing video?)

After going on a few rants on Tumblr, Greg uploaded the video "COMMENTERS GOING FULL RETARD" to his Archive channel. In the video, he says he is upset at the reactions he got from his last video. He talks about how meat eaters can't jugee him because they contribute to the deaths of animals every day. He says it was only a high of 81 degrees Fahrenheit, a chill day. He compares himself to a child. He says you don't blame a child for a mistake, so why would you blame him? He says the turtle could not have overheated because when he purchased it it was under a heat lamp. He ends the video by saying if you're a vegan, you can judge him, but everyone else are "fucking idiots" and he's surprised they graduated high school. ($ource)

(Find out which came first)

Later that day, Greg uploaded "Using Witnesses, Reason & The Facts" ($ource)

August 17, 2013 "THIS IS RETARDED" Archive ($ource)

Aug 17, 2013 "ONISION PROVEN INNOCENT #ApologizeToOnision" Archive channel ($ource)

Animal Control


"A Professional Review" Aug 24, 2013 Archive channel ($ource)

