Kai's Ex Friend Account
Kai's Ex Friend Account is a 2012 blog post and collection of leaked Skype conversations leaked by an Ex-friend of Kai's. The information the ex-friend revealed was significant at the time as followers and Kai's family were not aware he was secretly married to Greg.
**During the events in this article, Kai went by the nickname "Lainey" and did not yet identify as a trans man. The writing in this article will reflect Kai's current name and pronouns, but images, quotes, and videos will not.
Greg and Kai were married through the New Mexico court system on November 14, 2012. They did not announce their marriage online and Kai kept it a secret from his family. A week after their secret marriage, an angry ex-friend of Kai's went to Tumblr to reveal what has been going on between Greg and Kai. The friend later posted screen shots of her Skype conversations with Kai to back up her claims.
According to Kai's ex-friend, Kai and Greg began talking after Greg noticed the immense amounts of tweets Kai sent him. They began talking over Skype and began dating a week after Greg and Shiloh were over. Greg rented a home so that he could be near Kai, who was 17 at the time and still in high school. Greg moved back to Washington because they decided they should not see each other for 4 to 5 months until Kai starts college. When he began college, they rented an apartment and Kai planned to finish his semester, then move back to Washington in December. The ex-friend claims at the time of writing her blog post, Kai's parents did not know he was married to Greg and living with him. The family believed Kai was living in his college dorm. They also did not know he was planning on moving back to Washington with Greg and that he planned to travel around the world with Greg on Digitour while taking online classes. They also did not know that Kai and Greg legally changed their last names.
The ex-friend goes on to explain issues she's been having with Kai over lies he's told and his struggle to balance friends and his new found internet popularity. She also mentions that she believes Kai is suffering from an eating disorder. (Source)
According to the Skype chat logs, it appears that Greg and Kai decided to take time apart because Kai's father did not approve of their relationship. Kai complains that his father says it's illegal due to his age, but Greg is speaking to his lawyer to make sure it is legal. Kai says he couldn't go back to Greg's place (most likely the house Greg rented) because his parents would not let him. (Source) Kai also talks about how Greg was asked to host DigiTour. (Admin note: Greg never toured with DigiTour and there are no online records of him ever being on the official 2012 line-up.) Kai says he worked everything out with his school so that he could travel with Greg. He says it's a big opportunity for Greg, but his parents will kill him.
In the chat, Kai announces he will be married in 16 days and that his parents know nothing about it. He says they will have a wedding in the summer of 2013. He also announces he and Greg will be moving back to Washington in December. (Source) Kai also spoke about Adrienne, Greg's ex, complaining that Adrienne only was with Greg for 2 to 3 days compared to the months he had spent with Greg. He says Greg had never done any of the things Adrienne spoke about to him. (Source)
In another group of chat logs, Kai talks about his weight loss. He talks about never feeling satisfied, even though he's been reaching his goals. The friend explains to him that it sounds like the beginning of an eating disorder. He says that he hasn't eaten over 1,000 calories in a long time and that day he had only eaten 50. Kai talks about feeling guilty that he's not "the best" for Greg. Kai says he feel inferior. (Source) At the time, Kai spoke a lot about his weight loss and goals on Twitter. He also would occasionally express how unhappy he was and tweet about crying. (Source) Some followers became increasingly worried that he might have been in the beginning stages of an eating disorder. It was also found that he submitted a photo of his collar bones to a thinspo blog. He would also post picture of himself under the "thinspo" tag. Worried followers tried to reach out to him, but he always denied ever having a problem.
In a 2015 YouNow live-stream, Kai confirmed that this individual was a friend that revealed his secrets.